Dropping-by, We have freedom to disappear before you touch.
Dropping-by, 触れられる以前に消える自由を持っている。
Date : 22 -23 JAN. 2010
Party Art / 100min / 2Stages
Space : Komaba Theater/Tokyo
Party, Cake, Bar, Sound, Ustream, Twitter, [MTM]
Generate of initiative that rely on new media or new rule is theme of the Party Art "Dropping-by". The Performers, which is also the host of the party have to determine the performance by a combination of rules that have a hierarchy of some and events that occur in the party venue.

On the other hand, there are many events, sense and feelings fade away without also be involved in the generation of the world.
"Modest" fade away and not leave to history is like a secret that the world is totally hidden.
It "The secret that fade away without being touched" is not affect the center stage of history really them?
I connected the outside and the party venue by using Twitter and Broadcasting.
Then, those people who are outside of the venue did tweet the impression with a bird's - eye view of the detached party.
Tweets of the performers, feels in mind Contrary to the action in the party.
True feelings of the guest.
When began to appear "the voice of the secret" that had been hidden at the party so far (Twitter and UST before appearing) , Party got a new leader.
一方で、 一見、世界の生成に関与することもなく消えていく出来事やセンス、想いの数々がある。
0.35 seconds before the consciousness of you feel the act, the brain has already issued a command for the act. (Benjamin Libet)
I installed the video system "MTM -Mind Time Machine-" (by Takashi Ikegami ,2010) in the party place.This MTM is simulation system about the memory and the consciousness of brain which affected by the theory of Benjamin Libet.
The free will of us, it is only that you choose not to run the issue of the system (brain),perhaps.
Issuance of rules imposed by the new media, might dominate the conduct of our.
However we can also choose freedom which without participating in major trends at History.Each time newly developed activate those device (the brain) for uncovering the secret, the world would go to change the whereabouts secret.
Also freedom for a "modest" is changing with the times.
Dropping-by, We have freedom to disappear before you touch.
Keiko Amashita、Saho Ito、Mia Eiki、JOU、Yuki Takahashi、Taiyo Tochiaki、Rurihiko Hara、
Hisashi Yokoyama,Takeshi Watanabe、myeong-hee lee、Eiko Matsuda
Cameo appearance: Karin Aiba、Yuko Araki
Artificial life [MTM] (Visual system , plot type)
Direction : Takashi Ikegami (University of Tokyo / Complex system Science)
Programming assistant : Motoi Ishibashi、Yuta Ogai
Visual adviser : Kensyu Shinstubo
Sound : evala (port, ATAK)、Yoshihide Nakashima (Studio LOUP)
Direction : Miyuki Kawamura
Cooperation:STARDUST Promotion Co., Ltd.、Ltd. Apple Box
Organize : Ikegami Laboratory (University of Tokyo)
特別出演: 相葉香凛 (株式会社 スターダストプロモーション)
新木優子 (株式会社 スターダストプロモーション)
Sound design : evala (port, ATAK)、中島佳秀 (Studio LOUP)
Stage manager : 北川大輔 (カムヰヤッセン)
MTM (plot type) : 池上高志(東京大学 / 複雑系科学)
Programming assistant : 石橋素 (Artist, programmer)、大海悠太(東京大学特任研究員)
Visual adviser : 新津保建秀 (Photographer)
Director : 河村美雪 (Artist)
主催: 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科広域科学 池上研究室
協力:株式会社 スターダストプロモーション、株式会社 アップルボックス
photo by Asaco Suzuki
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